Sunday, May 17, 2020

Obedience and Conformity Essay - 508 Words

Obedience and Conformity Both obedience and conformity involve social pressure in obedience the pressure comes from behaving as you are instructed to do; whereas in conformity the pressure comes from group norms Behaviour in obedience is determined by social power, whereas in conformity it is influenced mostly by the need for acceptance. In nearly all societies, certain people are given power and authority over others. Our society, for example, parents, teachers, and managers are invested with various degrees of authority. Most of the time, this does not cause any problems. The issue of why some†¦show more content†¦Such people are most likely to be obedient (and most likely also to be prejudiced). Milgrams (1974) hypothesised if people were asked by a person in authority to do something that they think is wrong what would happen? To work out how far most people are willing to go in their obedience to authority. Milgram had participants give false electric shocks, to others. If they were unwilling to continue the person in authority would reply it is essential that you should continue and they continued, one participant carried on even when he thought he and killed the recipient. Behaviour such as this Milgram called The Agentic State. Hence, they cease to act according to their consciences. The attitude of those in this state is as follows: I am not responsible, I act as I do because I was ordered to do it! Unquestioning obedience to authority may have catastrophic consequences as history has shown us with Adolf Hitler in the Second World War. Adolf Hitler whos ethnocentrism and prejudice towards anyone or thing that was not of the superior German race had to be destroyed in the name of Nazism [totalitarianism]. After the war Adolf Eichmann, who was found guilty of having played a major role in ordering the deaths of millions of Jews, following a decade of persecution. Imprisonment, and genocide, such as those who had survived TheShow MoreRelatedConformity and Obedience1770 Words   |  8 PagesConformity and Obedience Assignment In this assignment I intend to evaluate Stanley Milgrams studies of obedience and in particular the ethical issues broken. I hope to determine whether the knowledge gained justifies his experiments. After the destruction and atrocities committed in World War II many historians argued that there must be some sort of character defect that made the German people more obedient. Mailgram’s study was an attempt to test ‘the Germans are different’ hypothesis. 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