Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Management written assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management written assignment - Essay Example In the process, it induces people to define their desires and to pursue them with passion. Ultimately, leadership transforms potential into reality. After reading the article ‘Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?’ by Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones, I can honestly say that it would take considerable time and practice for one to be an inspirational leader – but it is definitely possible. The authors identified four qualities of inspirational leaders: having the ability to show their weakness, becoming a sensor, practicing tough empathy and daring to be different. I do not have any qualms about acknowledging my weaknesses as I am aware that in doing so, I would have the means to apply corrective measures to change for the better. Becoming a sensor, though, takes time and professional experience to discern and assess the condition of certain situations and to apply appropriate action. It also acknowledges that assistance and guidance from affiliates are sometimes required. Goffee and Jones emphasized that â€Å"even the most gifted sensor may need to validate his perceptions with a trusted adviser or a member of his inner team.† (Goffee & Jones, 2000, 68) In addition, practicing tough empathy needs a lot of courage and strength in one’s personality. The authors defined tough empathy as â€Å"giving people what they need, not what they want.† For a leader to know the difference between the needs and wants of their people, one must have genuine concern and passion for their team. This trait can be developed over time. Finally and more significantly, I am aware that each and every individual is unique. The unique qualities of each one should be utilized to excel, stand out and capitalize on these qualities to blend and balance those of others to maximize the requirements of a particular scenario. As aptly concluded by Goffee & Jones, â€Å"the challenge facing prospective leaders is for them to be themselves, but with

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