Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Metropolis Film Analysis - 1169 Words

Metropolis: â€Å"Breaking down the utopia† In January of1927 Metropolis was released to the German public. The film, which was directed by Fritz Lang, was one of the first science fiction movies in the history of film. The film focuses on the differences between the working class who power the city and the wealthy whom indulge in it. The film was host to many German stars at the time such as Alfred Abel and Brigette Helm. As this conflict is going there is a separate yet relative story unfolding, a mad scientist has created an android out of love and desperation. Soon that same desperation drives him to use this robotic woman agansist his fellow man, causing open revolt and bloodshed. As Joh Frederson, founder†¦show more content†¦They displayed the scale of things, whether the machine hall or Frederson’s office. I think the most interesting shot however, was a shot looking outside Joh Frederson’s window, showing the majesty of the city. It was a collaboration of scale models and paintings, which made up an entire futuristic city. It was breathtaking, especially considering the time period. The story itself was beautifully written by Lang and his wife. It was the first science fiction film ever made, no one had made a futuristic story about robots before, but that’s just what Metropolis was on the surface. Inside it was a story of love, a story of indifference, a story of struggle, it was a human story, and that’s what made it so successful. It was written simply, it was easy to understand yet it told a complex multilayered story. The lighting only brought more emotion and mood to the film. For all the close ups the faces were light very brightly, the natural shadows in the face in contrast with the bright light stressed the state of the characters. The lighting in Rotwang’s lab however was very dark, and there were a lot of shadows, which exemplified the nature of his character. The main element that made this film was the acting. It was necessary that all acting be overdramatic, it was the only way for the audience to truly grasp the emotions of the characters on screen. The best example is the scene where Freder wanders into the hall of machines and witness’ theShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : Metropolis And Metropolis1630 Words   |  7 PagesJoseph Spencer is the observer of the movie. Metropolis is directed by Fritz Lang; Metropolis mostly fits under the science-fiction and drama genres. Metropolis was released in 1927 (IMDb). Metropolis reveals to the observer that features a dystopian and contradictory world. The script is based on a novel by Thea Von Harbou, and the screenplay was written by her as well. (IMDb). 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