Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath Quotes

The Bell Jar  is a famous autobiographical novel by Sylvia Plath, though it was first published under the pseudonym, Victoria Lucas. The novel has been banned and challenged because it deals with mental illness, suicide, and the female experience. Some have claimed that students may be inspired to commit suicide after reading about Esther Greenwoods struggle with mental illness but these claims are unfounded. Here are a few quotes from The Bell Jar. Doreen singled me out right away. She made me feel I was that much sharper than the others, and she really was wonderfully funny. She used to sit next to me at the conference table, and when the visiting celebrities were talking shed whisper witty sarcastic remarks to me under her breath.- Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar, Chapter 1 There is something demoralizing about watching two people get more and more crazy about each other, especially when you are the extra person in the room.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 2 After Doreen left, I wondered why I couldnt go the whole way doing what I should any more. This made me sad and tired. Then I wondered why I couldnt go the whole way doing what I shouldnt, the way Doreen did, and this made me even sadder and more tired.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 3 The sickness rolled through me in great waves. After each wave it would fade away and leave me limp as a wet leaf and shivering all over and then I would feel it rising up in me again, and the glittering white torture chamber tiles under my feet and over my head and all four sides closed in and squeezed me to pieces.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 4 I hate handing over money for what I could just as easily do myself, it makes me nervous.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 5 Buddy kissed me again in front of the house steps, and the next fall, when his scholarship to medical school came through, I went there to see him instead of to Yale and it was there I found out that he had fooled me all those years and what a hypocrite he was.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 5 What a man wants is is an arrow into the future and what a woman is is the place the arrow shoots off from.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 6 She was a fat middle-aged woman with dyed red hair and suspiciously thick lips and rat-colored skin and she wouldnt even turn off the light, so hed had her under a fly-spotted twenty-five-watt bulb, and it was nothing like it was cracked up to be. It was as boring as going to the toilet.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 7 So I began to think maybe it was true that when you were married and had children it was like being brainwashed, and afterward you went about as numb as a slave in a totalitarian state.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 7 If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then Im neurotic as hell. Ill be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 8 I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, This is what it is to be happy.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 8 Show us how happy it makes you to write a poem.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 9 I had decided I would put off the novel until I had gone to Europe and had a lover.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 10 But when I took up my pen, my hand made big, jerky letters like those of a child, and the lines sloped down the page from left to right almost diagonally, as if they were loops of string lying on the paper, and someone had come along and blown them askew.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 11 There was a uniformity, as if they had lain for a long time on a shelf, out of the sunlight, under siftings of pale, fine dust.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 12 I am I am I am.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 13 I am climbing to my freedom, freedom from fear, freedom from marrying the wrong person, like Buddy Willard, just because of sex, freedom from the Florence Crittenden Homes where all the poor girls go who should have been fitted out like me, because what they did, they would do anyway...- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 18 The bell jar hung, suspended, a few feet above my head. I was open to the circulating air.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 18 Doctor Nolan said, quite bluntly, that a lot of people would treat me gingerly, or even avoid me, like a leper with a warning bell. My mothers face floated to mind, a pale reproachful moon, at her last and first visit to the asylum since my twentieth birthday. A daughter in an asylum! I had done that to her.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 20 There would be a black, six-foot-deep gap backed in the hard ground. That shadow would marry this shadow, and the peculiar yellowish soil of our locality seal the wound in the whiteness, and yet another snowfall erase the newness in Joans grave.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar,  Chapter 20 There ought, I thought, to be a ritual for being born twice—patched, retreaded and approved for the road.- Sylvia Plath,  The Bell Jar

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Metropolis Film Analysis - 1169 Words

Metropolis: â€Å"Breaking down the utopia† In January of1927 Metropolis was released to the German public. The film, which was directed by Fritz Lang, was one of the first science fiction movies in the history of film. The film focuses on the differences between the working class who power the city and the wealthy whom indulge in it. The film was host to many German stars at the time such as Alfred Abel and Brigette Helm. As this conflict is going there is a separate yet relative story unfolding, a mad scientist has created an android out of love and desperation. Soon that same desperation drives him to use this robotic woman agansist his fellow man, causing open revolt and bloodshed. As Joh Frederson, founder†¦show more content†¦They displayed the scale of things, whether the machine hall or Frederson’s office. I think the most interesting shot however, was a shot looking outside Joh Frederson’s window, showing the majesty of the city. It was a collaboration of scale models and paintings, which made up an entire futuristic city. It was breathtaking, especially considering the time period. The story itself was beautifully written by Lang and his wife. It was the first science fiction film ever made, no one had made a futuristic story about robots before, but that’s just what Metropolis was on the surface. Inside it was a story of love, a story of indifference, a story of struggle, it was a human story, and that’s what made it so successful. It was written simply, it was easy to understand yet it told a complex multilayered story. The lighting only brought more emotion and mood to the film. For all the close ups the faces were light very brightly, the natural shadows in the face in contrast with the bright light stressed the state of the characters. The lighting in Rotwang’s lab however was very dark, and there were a lot of shadows, which exemplified the nature of his character. The main element that made this film was the acting. It was necessary that all acting be overdramatic, it was the only way for the audience to truly grasp the emotions of the characters on screen. The best example is the scene where Freder wanders into the hall of machines and witness’ theShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : Metropolis And Metropolis1630 Words   |  7 PagesJoseph Spencer is the observer of the movie. Metropolis is directed by Fritz Lang; Metropolis mostly fits under the science-fiction and drama genres. Metropolis was released in 1927 (IMDb). Metropolis reveals to the observer that features a dystopian and contradictory world. The script is based on a novel by Thea Von Harbou, and the screenplay was written by her as well. (IMDb). 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Compare and contrast the similaritiesRead MoreAnalysis Of Fritz Lang s Metropolis And The Garden Of Eden 1955 Words   |  8 PagesThere is a lot to be said about Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, as it has many overlapping themes. There is the theme of humans becoming as replaceable as machines. It has a theme of class division which leads to a Marxist type revolution. The theme I want to focus on in this paper however, is the religious themes and symbolism that are prevalent throughout the film, as I feel they are the most prominent. Metropolis makes a lot of calls to Judeo-Christian religions and biblical stories, using its storytellingRead MoreSociety s Understanding Of The World Operates Around Them1085 Words   |  5 Pageslanguage shape social constructs and behaviors. â€Å"Discourses construct meanings and relationships, helping define common sense and legitimate knowledge. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Channel of Distribution in Feasib Free Essays

When a pet dies people do not know what to do with their remains, some choose to bury in the garden of the house, others choose to take them to a crematorium, others leave them in charge to the vet, and others unfortunately opt for the dump. But a little-known alternative, which allows for a more worthy use the remains of pets, besides being able to visit when you want, is to bury his remains in a pet cemetery. The main idea of the CePETery is that owners of pets, once they have buried their remains, to visit them in a calm and full of vegetation, and have a moment of reflection with their deceased pets. We will write a custom essay sample on Channel of Distribution in Feasib or any similar topic only for you Order Now As for the CePETery, we offer to bury pets in graves containing small stones, where owners can let their pet’s dead flowers and souvenirs, and even put some pictures. To satisfy our customers, in addition to the funeral service, we could offer additional free services such as the funeral service, which includes the collection of debris and then a little farewell ceremony, and also provide free coffin of some memories. Also, in addition to our burial service, we could also offer the service of cremation, where after it; the owners handed over the ashes of pets in a wooden box. The burial service we will offer could range from a basic particular pit containing a small tombstone with the engraved name of the mascot, even more complex mass involving large stones where only the name of the pet, you can record any additional message . As we might accept pets in the CePETery, dogs and cats, could accommodate other types of pets such as rabbits, turtles, birds, hamsters, fish, etc. As for the charge for our service, the usual in this type of business is that the payment is annual, i. e. to be paid an annual rent for the pit and the maintenance needed. Finely, in terms of marketing, we could create a web page to advertise our business via the Internet; another alternative would be to make some agreement with veterinary, veterinary clinic, pet shop, and pet owners. For example, one where they receive a percentage of sales, and for every customer you refer each. How to cite Channel of Distribution in Feasib, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Social Responsibility of Business-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits (Friedman, 1970). Critically discuss this Statement in the Light of Contrasting theories that Emphasize, as Well as examples that Highlight, the Case For Corporate Social Responsibility. Answer: Introduction The main idea of social responsibility in business is to maintain balance between the business plan and social responsibility. It can be said that in most of the occasions the operational strategy of business does not consider about the relationship between the society and environment. The aim of the current report is to critically discuss the statement of Friedman in 1970. The statement was highly controversial in the context that it contradicted most of the theories related with that of the corporate social responsibility of the business. The important elements of the theories related to the corporate social responsibility will be the main discussion point of the current study. Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility The main purpose of the corporate social responsibility in business is to ensure no unethical practice is being implemented in the marketing plan to make excess profit. The competitive environment of today's business world is getting tougher due to aggressive safe strategies implicated by most of the companies. Large scale business organization often implement the power to bring about change in the business environment. The corporate social responsibility is the set of ethical laws that has to be followed by every business organization in order to maintain their social reputation (Carroll 2015). The laws of corporate social responsibility ensure that interest of every group of stakeholders are being protected with implementation of every business policy. One of the major purpose of implementing the elements of corporate social responsibility is to ensure sustainable development in business economy. The elements of Corporate Social Responsibility ensure that the profit that are earned from the business are utilized for the social development and welfare activities. Economic responsibility of the company is to ensure profit that can be evident from the financial growth along with increased value of the companys equity. In the market of modern economy, it is highly essential for every business organization to makes sufficient amount of profit in order to sustain in the tough competitive environment. There is also the component of legal responsibility, where business organizations have to strictly follow the legal rules and policies. These policies are implemented as a part of Business Law, which helps to ensure that there is no illegal or unfair trade practice implemented in any form of business transaction. Business organization can follow the principles of legal responsibility by paying proper business or trade taxes to the local authority. Korschun et al. (2014), have mentioned about the importance of ethical responsibility, where it is important for business organization to ensure that the business activities do not cause any harm to the environment. Implementation of green business ideas that include ecofriendly way of manufacturing products and delivering service are few of the major components of ethical responsibility. The philanthropic responsibility is another major component of corporate social responsibility. In this case it is the duty of an organization to contribute direct fund for social welfare activities. This is also believed to be one of the effective ways to improve the business reputation and brand recognition. One of the major social responsibility of every business organization is to provide proper employment to the society. The large-scale multinational business organizations are few of the biggest recruiters that play an important role in the social developmental work. Peake and Eddleston (2017), has mentioned about the importance of the Triple bottom line theory, which is another major components of the social business responsibility. According to the component of this theory, it is the duty of the corporate leaders to ensure that both economic and social context of business are being considered while implementing operational strategy. In order to maintain sustainability within the business process it is highly essential to consider every terms and condition of business. It is one of the challenging role of the business leader to properly ensure perfect balance between economic and social development in the business environment. This is believed to be one of the intersecting point of Business Ethics. In terms of economic sustainability, it is important to implement plan for long term financial growth (Saeidi et al. 2015). From the elements of triple bottom line, it is the duty of every large scale business organization to properly implement the bu siness plan for financial sustainability. This is believed to be one of the major criteria for success of startup companies. Large scale business companies like Google, apple and Microsoft has been able to introduce better economic policy for long term financial growth. The business leaders of to predict all possible situations of the future market environment and implement the plan according to long-term sustainability. Corporate sustainability in terms of economic development can help in the process of brand recognition. It can also help the company to properly utilize all forms of resources (Becker-Olsen and Guzmn 2017). Social sustainability is also one of the important criteria for implementing the triple bottom line theory. There has been increased in concerned about the global scenario, where rich people are getting richer and poor getting poorer (Grosser et al. 2017). This can increase the risk of society being collapse. The increase in the imbalance can also raise the risk of political violence, thereby compromising up on all forms of social development. Crane et al. (2013),have mentioned about the importance of fair trade movement that is believed implement ethical opportunity for implementing sustainable business strategy. It is also important to note that social sustainability can not only be maintained with the help of financial planning. It also requires understanding the capital market of modern business environment. Implementing policy such as minimum wage for workers at different level within an organization is one of the prime policy of maintaining social growth. Social sustainability also requires full cooperation from all types of citizens. This can help to develop healthy relationship between the people (Gupta et al. 2017). Environmental sustainability is the final component of the triple bottom line theory. This help to ensure that all forms of natural resources that are used by business organization do not face with any form of wastages. Recycling of materials can be one of the effective ways to maintain the protocol of environmental sustainability (Shang et al. 2014). This is believed to be one of the effective way to minimize the chance of resource wastage. Proper eco-friendly techniques also can be implemented in order to ensure minimum amount of greenhouse gas are being emitted from manufacturing units of the industries. Critical Analysis of the Friedmans Statement From the statement of Friedman, it is clear that the author wants to focus only upon the financial growth and sustainability of a business organization. The primary intention of all business entrepreneurs while initiating any startup companies to maximize the level of profit in terms of financial development. The statement provided by Friedman also focuses upon increasing the profit margin. This has been one of the major controversial topic mainly due to the fact that the statement is only concerned about one principle of Corporate Social Responsibility that has been mentioned in the above section. This statement also debunked the notion of all forms of social welfare activities that are usually associated with corporate social responsibility. During the time the author meant this statement, there was an increase in concerned about the social inequalities that was raising within the global economy (Di Benedetto 2017). Statement of the author also highlighted up on the fact that free market which was getting popular during the period of 1970s is one of the easiest way to maintain Social Responsibility in business. This is mainly due to the fact that free market enjoys the opportunity to make maximum amount of profit without any form of political or economic restrictions. It is also possible for the business owners to recruit more number of people within the company and thereby deal with the issue of unemployment. The author also believed about the fact that with increased amount of business profit it is possible for businessmen to make significant donation in social welfare activities. There is also one form of belief that the statement of Friedman is one of the best way to maintain principles of socialism. It will there be prevent the market to determine the exact pricing strategy that will be implemented for each product. Hybrid concept of capitalism and socialism can thereby help in improving the popularity of free market and thereby promoting the economy of the nation (Yin 2017). The increase in the trends of private competitive Enterprise, there is increasing risk of negligence about the elements of corporate social responsibility. Statement made by Friedman will help to force upon most of the important matters related to that of the free market economy. This will help to ensure that most of the business organization are able to expand with better level of Corporate strategies. According to the statement it may not be possible for a business organization to focus upon all major elements of corporate social responsibility and also the related theories associated with the same. If a business organization is solely focused upon making high level of business profit, it may not be possible for them focus upon the policies of economic and social sustainability that is believed to be an essential part of corporate social responsibility. It will also not be possible for the business organization to manage all forms of risks that are involved within the external business environment. With aggressive form of competitive strategies that are implemented by most of the multinational corporations, it may not be possible for them to consider about the facts social inequalities that are developing in the modern age. It may not be possible for the business organization to properly follow the ethical rules implemented by the local authority (Lee and Riffe 2017). There has been several reported case of large-scale multinational companies terminating huge number of employees in order to improve upon their profit margin and compensate for high level of loss. In many cases, when a large scale multinational corporation acquire some other company, there is high level of chance that most of the business organizations may implement change in the organizational structure. This type of situation increases the risk of promising on social responsibility and ethical rules followed by the organization (Di Giuli and Kostovetsky 2014). There is also the chance that a foreign company can cause serious damage to the local environment while installing any form of manufacturing units. As the business is mainly focused up on increasing the financial condition, it may not be possible for the company to deal with matters related to decreasing the greenhouse emissions gas from the manufacturing unit. Conclusion: In the conclusion note it can be said that the statement made by Friedman in 1970 about the fact that social responsibility of business is mainly to increase profit is highly controversial in the context of modern age. As mentioned within the principles of corporate social responsibility, it is highly essential for all business organization to ensure both economic and social development. The popularity of free market economy has been a major boost for private organization as they are able to expand their business. However, in the context of improving upon financial condition in many occasions it has been seen that business organization ignore about the fact related to social sustainability within the external business environment. In the context of the modern age this can be highly challenging due to the fact that without proper ethical rules and regulation there is high risk of compromising of business reputation. It is also important to mention about the fact that most of the large scale business organization of the modern age involves in various type of social welfare activity, which is believed to help in the business reputation. Few of the major examples of involving in social welfare activities can be given from the context of Microsoft Corporation. The social welfare organization initiated from the management of Microsoft Help in eradication of various form of diseases. It can therefore be concluded that the statement made by Friedman in 1970 is not applicable in the context of modern day has most of the principles of corporate social responsibility are being ignored. References: Becker-Olsen, K. and Guzmn, F., 2017. Corporate Social Responsibility Communication in North America: The Past, Present and Future. In Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication (pp. 293-315). Springer International Publishing. Carroll, A.B., 2015. Corporate social responsibility. Organizational dynamics, 44(2), pp.87-96. Crane, A., Matten, D. and Spence, L.J., 2013. Corporate social responsibility in a global context. Di Benedetto, C.A., 2017. Corporate social responsibility as an emerging business model in fashion marketing. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, pp.1-15. Di Giuli, A. and Kostovetsky, L., 2014. Are red or blue companies more likely to go green? Politics and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Financial Economics, 111(1), pp.158-180. Grosser, K., Moon, J. and Nelson, J.A., 2017. Guest Editors Introduction: Gender, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing and Refocusing a Conversation. Business Ethics Quarterly, 27(4), pp.541-567. Gupta, A., Briscoe, F. and Hambrick, D.C., 2017. Red, blue, and purple firms: Organizational political ideology and corporate social responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 38(5), pp.1018-1040. Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C.B. and Swain, S.D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees. Journal of Marketing, 78(3), pp.20-37. Lee, T.H. and Riffe, D., 2017. Business News Framing of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States and the United Kingdom: Insights From the Implicit and Explicit CSR Framework. Business Society, p.0007650317696314. Peake, W.O. and Eddleston, K., 2017. Conditioned to care? Gender differences in entrepreneurial social responsibility United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Conference Proceedings (p. 932). United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Saeidi, S.P., Sofian, S., Saeidi, P., Saeidi, S.P. and Saaeidi, S.A., 2015. How does corporate social responsibility contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of competitive advantage, reputation, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), pp.341-350. Shang, K.C., Lu, C.S., Lin, J.R., Chang, C.C. and Yu, K.D., 2014, August. The Link between Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation, and Organisational Performance: Evidence from the Liner Shipping Industry. In International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2014: Sustainable Development in Shipping and Transport Logistics. Yin, J., 2017. Institutional drivers for corporate social responsibility in an emerging economy: A mixed-method study of Chinese business executives. Business Society, 56(5), pp.672-704.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Samantha Philosophy Essay an Example by

Samantha Philosophy Essay The purpose of this paper is to explore on the concept of death based on the perspective on the two philosophers- Jacques Derrida and Martin Heidegger. Basically, Heidegger (1962) states that Death is the possibility of the absolute impossibility of Dassein (294). Meanwhile, Derrida (1993) claims that Death is the name of impossible simultaneity and of an impossibility that we know simultaneously, at which we await each other, at the same time (65). And so, one can see here that there is a significant difference between the definition of death provided by the two philosophers. This paper will give light to the contradicting philosophy of death. Need essay sample on "Samantha Philosophy Essay" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Heideggers Concept of Death The role of the Dasein on Heideggers point of view on death is very critical. According to Kemerling (2001), the Dasein is not simply a synonym for consciousness but it indicates the fact that human beingsand only human beingstruly exist, in the fullest sense, only when being-there for-themselves. Indeed, human beings truly exist but the real question is our Dasein or being-there. More importantly, Dasein is subject to a systematic, radical uncertainty. This uncertainty on Dasein is rooted on the constant concern for our death. Specifically, the Dasein is shaped by death since the concern for annihilation is an ever-present feature of the human experience. As such, it is said that death is the key to life. Furthermore, death is perceived to be a peculiar possibility of the Daseins Being. As such death should not be something outside of Daisen since it is an integral part of the Daisen. In other words, Death is Dasein's ownmost, non-relational and uttermost possibility. In addition to these characteristics of death is aspect of death as certain and indefinite. (Cavalier, 2007) Derridas Concept of Death The most vital question utilized in Derridas analysis of death in Aporias is the possibility of his own death. In his own words, Is my death possible? This question poses various complications especially on the phrase my death. In fact, these words are absolutely irreplaceable and singular. As such, it implies that no one can die for me in the sense of definitively taking away or exempting me from my death. This is further complicated by the difficulty of knowing what one is talking about when speaking about death. And no one can really know the meaning of this word or what it is referring to. (Calarco, 2003) Moreover, the philosophy of Jacques Derrida implies the concept of death as an aporetic possibility. In other words, there is an aporetic experience of death. More specifically, this is interpreted as the experience of death as a limit that cannot but nevertheless must be crossed. (Thomson, 1999) Heidegger vs. Derrida on Death To interpret Heideggers philosophy on death, it is the realization of the annihilation of an inpidual on earth. However, even if death is realized, it is not really experienced by the person since he is no longer in the state of consciousness or being in Dasein. And so, death becomes the possibility of the absolute impossibility of Dasein. One undergoes the process of the death but he cannot really experience death because at this rate, the Dasein is already gone or not present. On the case of Derrida, his philosophy on death discredits the existential analysis of death by Martin Heidegger. Specifically, Derrida questions the certainty of obtaining death, the possibility of dying per se, the likelihood of meeting death the sense of death which can happen in him. That is why the words my death have been an important factor on the discussion and analysis of Derridas perspective on death. One of the similarities on the concept of death of the two philosophers is their ability to stop mankind on looking for a final resting-place for thoughtthe sort of thing which Being or Mind or Reason were once thought to be. (Rorty, 1984) On the differences, there are also various distinctions that set the deaths philosophy of Derrida and Heidegger apart. On Heideggers philosophy, it talks about the possibility of death that is most proper to Daisen. While in the case of Derrida, he poses the question Is my death possible? This question stated by Derrida already implies the impossibility knowing what one is talking about when speaking about death. And so, the approach of Heidegger on death is the existentialism. Existential analysis claims that death is a possibility of an impossibility that is most proper to Dasein. On the point of view of Derrida, philosophers and historians never pause to raise the question of being concerning death. They grant themselves knowledge on death when they are in reality only working within an implicitly presupposed interpretation of deaths meaning. (Colarco, 2003) Indeed, the logic or way of arriving into the concept of death between the philosophers is highly different. As such, this condition leads to the different nature of analysis and definition on the concept of death. Nonetheless, it still yields to the enlightenment of mankind on the life in general and death in particular. REFERENCES Calarco, Matthew. (2003). On the Borders of Language and Death: Derrida and the Question of the Animal. Retrieved on June 20, 2007 Cavalier, Robert. The Problem of Death. Lectures on Heideggers Being and Time. Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved on June 20, 2007 Derrida, Jacques. (1993).Aporias: DyingAwaiting (One Another at) the Limits of Truth. Trans. Thomas Dutoit. Stanford University Press: Stanford. Heidegger, Martin. (1962). Being and Time. Trans. John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson. Harper and Row: New York. Kemerling, Garth. (2001). Heidegger: Being-There (or Nothing). 27, October. Retrieved on June 20, 2007 from Rorty, Richard. (1984). Derrida, Jacques. Contemporary Literary Criticism. 16, February, Volume 87. Thomson, Ian. (1999). Can I Die? Derrida on Heidegger on Death. Philosophy Today. Spring, 29-42.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Case Management essay

buy custom Case Management essay Case Management can be classified as form of a Business Process Management. It may not fit in the common tools of Business Process Management but it is well described as a Document Management, customer management, or customer relationship management. It can be used in many different industries for example government, banking and Health care (Silver, 2009). In relation to the industry it is applied it is modelled categorically to suit that particular industry. In handling cases one does not follow the conventional way of stages or principles. This is because it has unstructured progression from its initial stage to the final stage. The normal processes follow a sequence of steps that can be well defined as paths in given diagrams. This is a logical diagram that describes a process and shows the direction it takes and elements it consists (Silver, 2009). The paths are mostly determined by Human judgement, external factors and the principles guiding the business and the steps are defined prior to handling the case. This is contrary to case management where one cannot predetermine the flow of the processes and it cannot be influenced by factors such as human judgement and external factors. What is case Management and what are the qualifications to be a case manager? This is the process of assessment, planning, implementation and monitoring and review. In this essay I will tackle its application in Health care and to begin with we look at the qualification to be a case manager (NSW Docs 2008). In case Management Training for students considering a career in Case Management in Psychology they need to pursue an Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology. This Programme focuses on Positive psychology, Human sexuality, physiological and neurological basis of human behaviour and social interactions. Students of case management particularly need to be able to evaluate the robustness of various psychometrics and assess the impacts of cognition on physical and mental health (Online, 2010). One can also be a case manager in the Health department by studying for an Associate of Arts in Health Administration Degree. This can also be a programme to be undertaken for those who want to pursue Patient Administration and management. This field addresses specific issues and workplace behaviors associated with a career in health administration and students study administration, health care, legal issues and public policy, technology, and health care financing. Student who go through this programme obtain excellent skills in communications arts, social sciences, humanities, math, and information technology (Just colleges, 2010). The student will learn how to research, analyze and apply vital information to real-world challenges and opportunities. The program enables the students to also develop communication, team work, and critical thinking skills. This are overly applied to the cases which they are assigned be it in the counseling department or the normal patients department (Just colleges, 2010). There are common concepts that are learnt in these programmes that enable students to be proper case managers. They help the students have the skills required to make the individual with a case of dejection feel appreciated and capable of sharing their story, this is because if one may not share a problem then you practically cannot manage the case effectively. Students who are interested in pursuing Case Management and have undergone training in An Associate of Arts Degree and training in An Associate of Art in Health Administration Degree are expected to come out when they fully understand the concepts of Empathy, Active Listening and Persistence in order to be relevant to the requirements of the field. We wll take a look at learning outcomes and an understanding of the concepts of Empathy, Active listening and persistence (Louis, 1994). In order to know that students have leant and gained knowledge a standard measurement is supposed to be observed. This is called the Learning outcome. Learning outcomes are termed as statements that outline the requirements, standards and skills learners will know and be able to fulfill as a result of the learning activity. Outcomes are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or attitudes (Louis, 1994). The concept of empathy has not been clear over the years and critical research of scholars from the field of philosophy, theology, developmental psychology, social and personality psychology, ethology, and neuroscience often had a lot of discrepancies over the idea in relation to nature of the phenomenon (Preston et al., 2000). By adopting the works of behavioural research carried out for a long time on empathy combined with the more recent knowledge of physiology and neuroanatomy, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel regarding this mechanism and it can clearly be adopted Empathy can be referred to situations in which a subject has a similar emotional state to an object as a result of perceiving the object's situation (Preston et al., 2000). The ability to understand another persons circumstances, point of view, thoughts, and feelings. When experiencing empathy, you are able to understand someone elses internal experiences. This covers the overall understanding that Empathy is tends to have a root in the personalities of self and other, where emotional feelings are directed towards the other (Pedneault, 2009). After completion of the Psychology curriculum, students will: Need to be have knowledge of the main subject areas in the field of psychology, such as the core concepts and major theories Have an understanding of the basic types of research methodologies used in psychology and how to acquire psychological knowledge in different subject areas is using these methods Possess the ability of putting into practice and the necessary experience required in the application of psychological principles such as Empathy in the case management in everyday life situations, in relation to the lecture materials. Have an understanding of how psychological principles function across cultural boundaries and have the ability to apply situations cutting across the cultural divide, as well as to issues that are specific to particular tribal cultures Show Improvement in written and spoken communication skills, active listening skills, and skills in communicating within and across cultures Have the skills of searching, understanding and the application the ideas of materials written by scholars in psychological areas In relation to Case Management, the learning of this concept gives the student the ability to properly use this concept in order to give an opportunity to the patient (SalishKootenaiCollege, 2010) It can be classified as a habit that develops over time. It is also a basis of effective communication. It is the total focus on the person you are listening to in order to understand what they are saying. The person maybe an individual or a group. In order to achieve Active listening one must understand the factors that affect listening (Hardy, 1996). Learning out comes dictate that a student after going through the curriculum will: Have the ability of describing the significance of verbal and non- verbal techniques promoting active listening in different cases. Have the ability to demonstrate use of active listening techniques handling of patient cases and any case they are supposed to manage (Rosenthal, n.d). It is a value of being able to understand that change, improvement or any form of activity to take a desired channel might take time to show sighs. For example in a case like improving self determination one might be required to go through several stages but may not be responding to therapy. This may call for persistence. In the study of the psychology it can also be in context of persistence to frustration. Improvement, response or change can be slow (Craighead Nemeroff 2002). After completion of curriculum a student is required to be capable of using this virtue of persistence or patience in case management or be able to influence their clients to have persistence. This is an important factor in Case management because most of the responses or solutions take some time before being recognized (Crown, 2010). Some authors such as Vince Reynolds have brought the idea of from the organizational point of view. They look at the concept of reflection as a central and integral part in organizational practice of management. They have broadly explained that it is important to use experience of reflection in working and learning in a professional and organizational context (Reynolds Vince, 2004). They have shown the importance of reflection in making the process of Case Management allowing space for reflection and reshaping a problem to be able to model it to your advantage. Therefore Reflection requires active listening or paying attention and reorganizing the thoughts through critical reflection so as to effectively manage a case. Through reflection case managers establish paths of communication and cooperation among themselves and the source of the problem (Reynolds Vince, 2004). Abstract concepts refer to ideas that do not have physical reference. The idea of Abstract concept is largely related to cognition which is a process of processing information, and applying knowledge. An example of an abstract concept is Freedom. These are words or ideas that one cannot actually lay their meaning to a single concept (Friedlander, 2004). Given the case of the idea of freedom, it can be expressed in many contexts and not only one. A person may say I want my freedom but you cannot synthesize from what. Maybe he is not free at his working place, maybe it is freedom in dressing and there are many examples that can be applied to this single abstract concept (Friedlander, 2004). This is the processing of information collected through concrete experience or abstract conceptualization. David Kolbs work explains the stages of concrete experience leading to observation and reflections leading to the formation of Abstract concepts and generalizations. Through this people gather information. The learning styles also yield four styles diverger, accommodator, assimilator and converger (Pritzker Runco, 1999) Each of them has different strengths in the stages of learning. Active experimentation is based as strength of abstract conceptualization learning stages of learning. They prefer to work on applying practical ideas like working with components and not people since people are relatively unemotional and have a narrow line of interests (Pritzker Runco, 1999) Case Management is duly an important process in the organization and it is effective in dealing with issues or cases that do not follow the conventional means of working. To achieve the level of a case manager one has to be a good learner and also able to apply the skills in question in the right way. Case management in health care is the backbone of many problems that are mentally oriented like depression, trauma and many others. Case management is an organizational problems solution if applied well. Buy custom Case Management essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Regulation in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Regulation in the United States - Essay Example With regulations, business people can conduct transactions without damaging the environment and people’s health. Regulations ensure that the products produced are of top quality and user-friendly (Vogel and David 146). In essence, were it not for regulations, control of some disease and illicit business behaviors would have been very challenging. Government regulations have enhanced steady growth of infant industries and business enterprises in the United States. For instance, government control on foreign trade aid in preventing excessive importation of products from other countries in order to secure local market for the infant industries. In addition, regulations assist in shielding small business from unhealthy competition and misuse by already established enterprises. For instance, the United States patents and trademarks office shields business innovations and particular products from infringement by opponents. Essentially, regulations form a reliable benchmark for smaller business to expand without unhealthy interruptions. Government regulations are sometimes tailored to raise revenue required to run government programs and projects. For instance, revenue raised through taxation and fines paid by people and businesses that fail to comply with the established regulations, is used for development programs. Generally, regulations play a key role in bringing developments close to the poor citizens. Business enterprises incur huge expenses to remain in compliance with the government regulations (Vogel and David 265). In addition, companies are forced to change methods of operation in order to comply with new and the existing regulations. The additional expenses that companies incur in fulfilling the requirements outlined in government regulations is passed to the consumer through increased prices. Consequently, the cost of living rises, making it difficult for poor people to survive. Some regulations such as tariff barriers and increased quota system